Saturday, December 08, 2007

1st Snow

For those of you, especially my friends in the South Pacific, who might not know what snow looks like, or may have forgotten... this is what it looked like today.

And a funny thing I had forgot, that when it snows it is actually warmer than other let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

New Adventure for the Pacific Far Rider

Oct 1 the now "lone" Pacific Far Rider left the beautiful island, Saipan, to begin a new journey. This time the journey took a move backwards to the mainland, and all the way across the continent to the east coast in New York. Very close to the Atlantic Ocean. This was quite a move, and done very quickly to begin a new position at a college on the Hudson River in NY. To move from a South Pacific Island in Fall to a northern climate will take some getting used to. I have been very c-o-l-d.

I took this picture of the Hudson on the day I arrived.You can see it was a beautiful fall day. This is the view you see as you walk out of the dorm, where I am staying until January and hopefully move into an apartment.

Within 2 weeks of moving to NY and starting a new job, I drove to Quebec to attend a conference, well actually, John drove. Quebec is a beautiful city, and as George says, "It reminds him of a civilized New Orleans." I would love to go back to Quebec in the summer time- when I could actually enjoy the beauty and the people, who are as friendly as the people in New Orleans, but is has to be much warmer!

Then for Thanksgiving we took another "rode trip" this time to Virginian to spend a "family Thanksgiving"- something we haven't done in quite few years and riding in a car for 8 hours is something you can't do on a island 14x5. - It was a very l-o-n-g drive for someone who has not had that many cars flying at you in all directions! I still don't know a word for East Coast Traffic...?

So this starts a new segment in the Pacific Far Rider's journey and hopefully to more travels, now to different parts of the world.